flex: Tables File Format

 22.3 Tables File Format
 This section defines the file format of serialized ‘flex’ tables.
    The tables format allows for one or more sets of tables to be
 specified, where each set corresponds to a given scanner.  Scanners are
 indexed by name, as described below.  The file format is as follows:
                       TABLE SET 1
              Header  | uint32          th_magic;     |
                      | uint32          th_hsize;     |
                      | uint32          th_ssize;     |
                      | uint16          th_flags;     |
                      | char            th_version[]; |
                      | char            th_name[];    |
                      | uint8           th_pad64[];   |
              Table 1 | uint16          td_id;        |
                      | uint16          td_flags;     |
                      | uint32          td_hilen;     |
                      | uint32          td_lolen;     |
                      | void            td_data[];    |
                      | uint8           td_pad64[];   |
              Table 2 |                               |
                 .    .                               .
                 .    .                               .
                 .    .                               .
                 .    .                               .
              Table n |                               |
                       TABLE SET 2
                       TABLE SET N
    The above diagram shows that a complete set of tables consists of a
 header followed by multiple individual tables.  Furthermore, multiple
 complete sets may be present in the same file, each set with its own
 header and tables.  The sets are contiguous in the file.  The only way
 to know if another set follows is to check the next four bytes for the
 magic number (or check for EOF). The header and tables sections are
 padded to 64-bit boundaries.  Below we describe each field in detail.
 This format does not specify how the scanner will expand the given data,
 i.e., data may be serialized as int8, but expanded to an int32 array at
 runtime.  This is to reduce the size of the serialized data where
 possible.  Remember, _all integer values are in network byte order_.
 Fields of a table header:
      Magic number, always 0xF13C57B1.
      Size of this entire header, in bytes, including all fields plus any
      Size of this entire set, in bytes, including the header, all
      tables, plus any padding.
      Bit flags for this table set.  Currently unused.
      Flex version in NULL-terminated string format.  e.g., ‘2.5.13a’.
      This is the version of flex that was used to create the serialized
      Contains the name of this table set.  The default is ‘yytables’,
      and is prefixed accordingly, e.g., ‘footables’.  Must be
      Zero or more NULL bytes, padding the entire header to the next
      64-bit boundary as calculated from the beginning of the header.
 Fields of a table:
      Specifies the table identifier.  Possible values are:
      ‘YYTD_ID_ACCEPT (0x01)’
      ‘YYTD_ID_BASE (0x02)’
      ‘YYTD_ID_CHK (0x03)’
      ‘YYTD_ID_DEF (0x04)’
      ‘YYTD_ID_EC (0x05)’
           ‘yy_ec ’
      ‘YYTD_ID_META (0x06)’
      ‘YYTD_ID_NUL_TRANS (0x07)’
      ‘YYTD_ID_NXT (0x08)’
           ‘yy_nxt’.  This array may be two dimensional.  See the
           ‘td_hilen’ field below.
           ‘yy_start_state_list’.  This array is handled specially
           because it is an array of pointers to structs.  See the
           ‘td_flags’ field below.
           ‘yy_transition’.  This array is handled specially because it
           is an array of structs.  See the ‘td_lolen’ field below.
      ‘YYTD_ID_ACCLIST (0x0C)’
      Bit flags describing how to interpret the data in ‘td_data’.  The
      data arrays are one-dimensional by default, but may be two
      dimensional as specified in the ‘td_hilen’ field.
      ‘YYTD_DATA8 (0x01)’
           The data is serialized as an array of type int8.
      ‘YYTD_DATA16 (0x02)’
           The data is serialized as an array of type int16.
      ‘YYTD_DATA32 (0x04)’
           The data is serialized as an array of type int32.
      ‘YYTD_PTRANS (0x08)’
           The data is a list of indexes of entries in the expanded
           ‘yy_transition’ array.  Each index should be expanded to a
           pointer to the corresponding entry in the ‘yy_transition’
           array.  We count on the fact that the ‘yy_transition’ array
           has already been seen.
      ‘YYTD_STRUCT (0x10)’
           The data is a list of yy_trans_info structs, each of which
           consists of two integers.  There is no padding between struct
           elements or between structs.  The type of each member is
           determined by the ‘YYTD_DATA*’ bits.
      If ‘td_hilen’ is non-zero, then the data is a two-dimensional
      array.  Otherwise, the data is a one-dimensional array.  ‘td_hilen’
      contains the number of elements in the higher dimensional array,
      and ‘td_lolen’ contains the number of elements in the lowest
      Conceptually, ‘td_data’ is either ‘sometype td_data[td_lolen]’, or
      ‘sometype td_data[td_hilen][td_lolen]’, where ‘sometype’ is
      specified by the ‘td_flags’ field.  It is possible for both
      ‘td_lolen’ and ‘td_hilen’ to be zero, in which case ‘td_data’ is a
      zero length array, and no data is loaded, i.e., this table is
      simply skipped.  Flex does not currently generate tables of zero
      Specifies the number of elements in the lowest dimension array.  If
      this is a one-dimensional array, then it is simply the number of
      elements in this array.  The element size is determined by the
      ‘td_flags’ field.
      The table data.  This array may be a one- or two-dimensional array,
      of type ‘int8’, ‘int16’, ‘int32’, ‘struct yy_trans_info’, or
      ‘struct yy_trans_info*’, depending upon the values in the
      ‘td_flags’, ‘td_hilen’, and ‘td_lolen’ fields.
      Zero or more NULL bytes, padding the entire table to the next
      64-bit boundary as calculated from the beginning of this table.