speech-dispatcher: Actions performed on startup

 3.3 Actions performed on startup
 What follows is an overview of the actions the server takes on startup
 in this order:
    * Initialize logging stage 1
      Set loglevel to 1 and log destination to stderr (logfile is not
      ready yet).
    * Parse command line options
      Read preferred communication method, destinations for logfile and
    * Establish the '~/.config/speech-dispatcher/' and
      '~/.cache/speech-dispatcher/' directories
      If pid and conf paths were not given as command line options, the
      server will place them in '~/.config/speech-dispatcher/' and
      '~/.cache/speech-dispatcher/' by default.  If they are not
      specified AND the current user doesn't have a system home
      directory, the server will fail startup.
      The configuration file is pointed to
      '~/.config/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf' if it exists, otherwise
      to '/etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf' or a similar system
      location according to compile options.  One of these files must
      exists, otherwise Speech Dispatcher will not know where to find its
      output modules.
    * Create pid file
      Check the pid file in the determined location.  If an instance of
      the server is already running, log an error message and exit with
      error code 1, otherwise create and lock a new pid file.
    * Check for autospawning enabled
      If the server is started with -spawn, check whether autospawn is
      not disabled in the configuration (DisableAutoSpawn config option
      in speechd.conf).  If it is disabled, log an error message and exit
      with error code 1.
    * Install signal handlers
    * Create unix or inet sockets and start listening
    * Initialize Speech Dispatcher
      Read the configuration files, setup some lateral threads, start and
      initialize output modules.  Reinitialize logging (stage 2) into the
      final logfile destination (as determined by the command line
      option, the configuration option and the default location in this
      order of precedence).
      After this step, Speech Dispatcher is ready to accept new
    * Daemonize the process
      Fork the process, disconnect from standard input and outputs,
      disconnect from parent process etc.  as prescribed by the POSIX
    * Initialize the speaking lateral thread
      Initialize the second main thread which will process the speech
      request from the queues and pass them onto the Speech Dispatcher
    * Start accepting new connections from clients
      Start listening for new connections from clients and processing
      them in a loop.