dvips: 'papersize' special

 4.1 'papersize' special
 The format of the 'papersize' special is
 WIDTH is the horizontal size of the page, and HEIGHT is the vertical
 size.  The dimensions supported are the same as for TeX; namely, in
 (inches), cm (centimeters), mm (millimeters), pt (points), sp (scaled
 points), bp (big points, the same as the default PostScript unit), pc
 (picas), dd (didot points), and cc (ciceros).
    For a US letter size landscape document, the 'papersize' would be:
 An alternate specification of 'landscape':
 This is supported for backward compatibility, but it is hoped that
 reventually the 'papersize' comment will dominate.
    Of course, such a '\special' only informs Dvips of the desired paper
 size; you must also adjust '\hsize' and '\vsize' in your TeX document
 typeset to those dimensions.
    When using the 'papersize' special, you generally should not also
 specify '-t' on the command line (⇒Option details).  The
 exception is when using a nonstandard paper size that isn't predefined;
 in this case, use '-t unknown'.
    The 'papersize' special must occur somewhere on the first page of the
 document.  Some packages, notably 'hyperref', insert this special.
    By default, if a DVI file contains multiple 'papersize' specials, the
 last one wins; this is also the behavior of the 'dvipdfmx' driver.  If
 the '-L0' command line option or 'L0' config file command is specified,
 the first special wins--this was the behavior of Dvips prior to the 2017