dvips: Hypertext specials

 5.4.2 Hypertext specials
 Current support for the World Wide Web in the TeX system does not
 involve modifying TeX itself.  We need only define some specials; Arthur
 Smith (<apsmith@aps.org>), Tanmoy Bhattacharya, and Paul Ginsparg
 originally proposed and implemented the following:
      html:<a href="XURL">
      html:<a name="NAME">
      html:<img src="XURL">
      html:<base href="XURL">
    Like all TeX '\special''s, these produce no visible output, and are
 uninterpreted by TeX itself.  They are instructions to DVI processors
    Here, XURL is a standard WWW uniform resource locator (URL), possibly
 extended with a '#TYPE.STRING' construct, where TYPE is 'page',
 'section', 'equation', 'reference' (for bibliographic references),
 'figure', 'table', etc.  For example,
      \special{html:<a href="http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~tim/ch1.dvi#equation.1.1">}
 is a link to equation (1.1) in an example document by Tim Murphy.
    See the URL
 <http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Addressing/Addressing.html> for a
 precise description of base URL's.
    Descriptions of the '\special''s:
      Creates links in your TeX document.  For example:
           \special{html:<a href="http://www.tug.org/">}\TeX\ Users
      The user will be able to click on the text 'TeX Users Group' while
      running Xdvi and get to the TUG home page.  (By the way, this is
      for illustration.  In practice, you most likely want to use macros
      to insert the '\special' commands; reference above.)
      Defines URL targets in your TeX documents, so links can be
      resolved.  For example:
           \special{html:<a name="paradise">}Paradise\special{html:</a>}
           is exactly where you are right now.
      This will resolve an 'href="#paradise"'.  You'll also have to
      change the catcode of '#', etc.  It's usually easiest to use
      existing macro packages which take care of all the details, such as
      'hyperref' for LaTeX.  The HyperTeX FAQ
      (http://arxiv.org/hypertex/) has more information.
      Links to an arbitrary external file.  Interactively, a viewer is
      spawned to read the file according to the file extension and your
      'mailcap' file (see the Xdvi documentation).
      Defines a base URL that is prepended to all the 'name' targets.
      Typically unnecessary, as the name of the DVI file being read is
      used by default.
    The 'img' and 'base' tags are not yet implemented in Dvips or the
 NeXTSTEP DVI viewer.