ed: Line addressing

 4 Line addressing
 An address represents the number of a line in the buffer. 'ed' maintains a
 "current address" which is typically supplied to commands as the default
 address when none is specified. When a file is first read, the current
 address is set to the address of the last line of the file. In general, the
 current address is set to the address of the last line affected by a
    One exception to the rule that addresses represent line numbers is the
 address '0' (zero). This means "at the beginning of the buffer", and is
 valid wherever it makes sense.
    An address range is two addresses separated either by a comma (',') or a
 semicolon (';'). In a semicolon-delimited range, the current address ('.')
 is set to the first address before the second address is calculated. This
 feature can be used to set the starting line for searches if the second
 address contains a regular expression. The value of the first address in a
 range cannot exceed the value of the second.
    Addresses can be omitted on either side of the comma or semicolon
 separator. If only the first address is given in a range, then the second
 address is set to the given address. If only the second address is given,
 the resulting address pairs are '1,addr' and '.;addr' respectively. If a
 N-tuple of addresses is given where N > 2, then the corresponding range is
 determined by the last two addresses in the N-tuple. If only one address is
 expected, then the last address is used. It is an error to give any number
 of addresses to a command that requires zero addresses.
    A line address is constructed as follows:
      The current line (address) in the buffer.
      The last line in the buffer.
      The Nth line in the buffer, where N is a number in the range '0,$'.
      The Nth next line, where N is a non-negative number.
      The Nth previous line, where N is a non-negative number.
      The next line. This is equivalent to '+1' and may be repeated with
      cumulative effect.
      The previous line. This is equivalent to '-1' and may be repeated with
      cumulative effect.
      The first through last lines in the buffer. This is equivalent to the
      address range '1,$'.
      The current through last lines in the buffer. This is equivalent to the
      address range '.;$'.
      The next line containing the regular expression RE. The search wraps
      to the beginning of the buffer and continues down to the current line,
      if necessary. The suffix 'I' is a GNU extension which makes 'ed' match
      RE in a case-insensitive manner.
      The previous line containing the regular expression RE. The search
      wraps to the end of the buffer and continues up to the current line, if
      necessary. The suffix 'I' is a GNU extension which makes 'ed' match RE
      in a case-insensitive manner.
      The apostrophe-x character pair addresses the line previously marked by
      a 'k' (mark) command, where 'x' is a lower case letter from the
      portable character set '[a-z]'.
    Addresses can be followed by one or more address offsets, optionally
 separated by whitespace. Offsets are constructed as follows:
    * '+' or '-' followed by a number adds or subtracts the indicated number
      of lines to or from the address.
    * '+' or '-' not followed by a number adds or subtracts 1 to or from the
    * A number adds the indicated number of lines to the address.
    It is not an error if an intermediate address value is negative or
 greater than the address of the last line in the buffer. It is an error if
 the final address value is negative or greater than the address of the last
 line in the buffer. It is an error if a search for a regular expression
 fails to find a matching line.