kpathsea: Path sources

 5.2 Path sources
 A search path or other configuration value can come from many sources.
 In the order in which Kpathsea looks for them:
   1. A command-line option such as '--cnf-line', available in
      'kpsewhich' and most TeX engines.  ⇒Path searching options.
      A user-set environment variable, e.g., 'TEXINPUTS'.  Environment
      variables with an underscore and the program name appended
      override; for example, 'TEXINPUTS_latex' overrides 'TEXINPUTS' if
      the program being run is named 'latex'.
   2. A program-specific configuration file, e.g., an 'S /a:/b' line in
      Dvips' '' (⇒(dvips)Config files).
   3. A line in a Kpathsea configuration file 'texmf.cnf', e.g.,
      'TEXINPUTS=/c:/d' (see below).
   4. The compile-time default (specified in 'kpathsea/paths.h').
    You can see each of these values for a given search path by using the
 debugging options (⇒Debugging).
    These sources may be combined via default expansion (⇒Default
