speech-dispatcher: Security

 2.7 Security
 Speech Dispatcher doesn't implement any special authentication
 mechanisms but uses the standard system mechanisms to regulate access.
    If the default 'unix_socket' communication mechanism is used, only
 the user who starts the server can connect to it due to imposed
 restrictions on the unix socket file permissions.
    In case of the 'inet_socket' communication mechanism, where clients
 connect to Speech Dispatcher on a specified port, theoretically everyone
 could connect to it.  The access is by default restricted only for
 connections originating on the same machine, which can be changed via
 the LocalhostAccessOnly option in the server configuration file.  In
 such a case, the user is reponsible to set appropriate security
 restrictions on the access to the given port on his machine from the
 outside network using a firewall or similar mechanism.